A tunable laser is a complex piece of technology that can initially be difficult to control. Pure Photonics makes it easy by making convenient control tools available to the users. This will speed-up the learning cycle and ensure that the customer can access the features with minimal effort. The following tools are available on this page:
Feature Guide PPCL100-PPCL200-PPCL300 vD (LEGACY)
Operating guide for Pure Photonics tunable laser vE
Application note firmware upgrade v2
Statement of comformity 22 April 2023
Application note Device Settings
application note – Linewidth Measurement
Quick Start Guide PPCL600 micro-ITLA
Application Note Frequency Stability – PPCL600-700
Implementation Guide Clean Jump – PPCL600-700
Application Note Clean Jump Status 11 December 2021
Implementation Guide Clean Sweep – PPCL700 v2
Application Note PPCL700 noise measurements revB
Application Note short term drift and wander PPCL700
Statement of conformity 22 April 2023
Application Note Frequency Stability – PPCL600-700
Application note firmware upgrade v2
Implementation Guide extended Clean Sweep vC
NeoPhotonics EVBv2 and Software User Guide X1 150615
Application note ICR Trouble Shooting
We are pleased to publish the latest Pure Photonics firmware for our different products. Note that these firmware versions only works on Pure Photonics products. Loading these on other devices may corrupt the firmware.
The below firmware should only be loaded on devices with serial numbers starting with PP70
Standard firmware (28 August 2024, TS35861) changelog
PPCL590 firmware (integration with gascell or external locking) (22 May 2024, TS33581)
The below firmware should only be loaded on devices with serial numbers starting with CRTM
Standard firmware (18 September 2024)
Change log at changelog
The below firmware should only be loaded on devices with serial numbers starting with CRTN
The easiest way to access the special features of the Pure Photonics ITLA is to use the windows based GUIs, where the user can easily set the boundary conditions and monitor the performance.
We are happy to announce that the full suite of GUIs is available for free. This is intended as a demonstrator of capabilities, rather than a full software solution. We would anticipate that most users at some point want to integrate the product within their setup or product.
Please let us know if you find any issues ([email protected]).
Manual Graphical User Interface v1
The latest version of our legacy GUI is Pure Photonics GUI (release 59, bat files)
Release 3.2.8 (8 November 2024); Change history at CLI_VERSION_STATUS
Refer to the manual for instructions:
Labview example and Labview Example 2 (currently Pure Photonics does not have a Labview license, hence maintenance of this code is not available. The code is pretty messy, but provides a good basis for building your own vi’s)
This is an experimental first version of our new GUI design; It is initially focussed on our PPEB075/PP076 ICR control boards and we have added Analog Array support